Miscellaneous |
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The Miscellaneous page enables you to configure other settings for document lines within the Supplier Portal.
The "Unit Price Decimal Places" and "Quantity Decimal Places" fields are pre-populated and should not need to be changed for the majority of Supplier Portal users.
The Miscellaneous page looks like this:
Data Entry
For most suppliers 2 decimal places for prices will be appropriate e.g. widgets are priced at 4.23 each. But for some suppliers another setting may be more suitable e.g. gas priced at 0.1098 per cubic meter.
NOTE: The settings applied do not affect the display of line or document values within the Supplier Portal. They will always display decimals appropriate for the document currency e.g. 2 decimal places for GBP.
For most suppliers 0 decimal places for quantities will be appropriate e.g. widgets: quantity 10, unit Each. But for some suppliers another setting may be more suitable e.g. a catering supplier may wish to use 1 decimal place allowing for bacon: quantity 7.5, unit Kg.
NOTE: As you enter data in field, additional help is displayed in the area at the bottom of the page e.g.
Use the Navigation Buttons to verify the data entered or to progress through the registration process.