Dun & Bradstreet No.

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The Supplier Portal is used by many organisations.  It is essential that each be uniquely identifiable using some sort of code.  If buyer derived account codes were used there would be a high risk of code duplication.  A code is needed that is universally accepted and also is unique to all organisations. The code that meets this requirement is the Dun & Bradstreet (D & B) Number.


Dun & Bradstreet are a global organisation specialising in providing business information and tools to allow business to make informed business decisions. The D & B Number is a unique global business identifier that is used to analyse a potential trading partner and also to support selected business functions e.g. credit scoring.


D & B Numbers are always 9 digits.  If your organisation's D & B Number is not known or not assigned, contact D & B direct (contact details are listed at http://dbuk.dnb.com).


The D & B No. page looks like this:




Data Entry


D&B_Number This field must be populated with the nine digit D&B Number.


Buyers_Code This field should contain the account code used by the sponsoring buying organisation to identify your company. This may have been pre-populated by the  buyingorganisation.


Suppliers_Code This field should contain the account code used by your company to identify the buying organisation e.g. your Sales Ledger / Accounts Payable code.



NOTE: All data entry fields highlighted with a * are mandatory and cannot be left blank.


NOTE: As you enter data in field, additional help is displayed in the area at the bottom of the page e.g.




Use the Navigation Buttons to verify the data entered or to progress through the registration process.