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The Optional page contains a number of data fields relating to your existing back office computer systems, computer operating environments and other contact details. As many suppliers who use the Supplier Portal have a requirement to link their existing systems with the documents being received and transmitted, it is helpful for ProcServe to know what systems are in use by what suppliers. This allows us to provide relevant information to you with regard to potential system integration.
The Supplier Portal solution is active in a number of electronic trading initiatives within the UK and there is a likelihood that your company's participation in other electronic trading marketplaces may be requested by other buying organisations at a later date. As such it is useful for ProcServe to have the contact details for both the IT and Finance Departments from within your company to ensure that if this situation arises, communication can be sent from ProcServe to the relevant individuals within your company quickly and efficiently.
NOTE: all data fields within this page are optional and do not have to be completed for successful registration.
The Optional page looks like this:
Data Entry
If your solution is not listed, select the "Other..." option and an additional data entry field will be displayed, use this additional field to enter the name of your solution.
If the operating system is not listed, select the "Other..." option and an additional data entry field will be displayed, use this additional field to enter the name of the operating system.
If the database system is not listed, select the "Other..." option and an additional data entry field will be displayed, use this additional field to enter the name of the database system.
NOTE: As you enter data in field, additional help is displayed in the area at the bottom of the page e.g.
Use the Navigation Buttons to verify the data entered or to progress through the registration process.